Struggling to make it in the entertainment business?

Get Your "FREE"  eBook And...

Access The Unlimited Power That Lies Within You... So That You Can Create The Life You Desire To Be Living!

Release The Unlimited Power That Lies Within You!

Connect With The Unlimited Power and Presence That Lies Within You... And never struggle again to make it in the entertainment business!

New! FREE 52 Laws And Principles Of The Infinite Filmmaker! Put Your Filmmaking Career In Overdrive in 30 Days ... Today!

How To Put Your Filmmaking Career In Overdrive In As Little As 30 Days... Even if You Have No Experience Making Movies!

"52 Laws And Principles Of The Infinite Filmmaker" is The Secret To Launching a Successful Filmmaking Career!... 

5 Spiritual Truths That Will Set You Free!


Mastermind Inner Circle

It's time to let go of your limiting Beliefs and start to see a bigger vision for your life As A Filmmaker...

It's time to let go of your limiting Beliefs and start to see a bigger picture for your life As successful entertainment professional!

I want you to imagine that your life is a movie created by an Infinite Filmmaker, and like a Genie in a bottle, this filmmaker could grant you unlimited wishes.

The reason that you may not be as successful as you would like to be is because you are looking outside yourself for someone who has the power to make, or break, your career instead of looking where the "True Power" exists... Within You!!!

 You Don't Have To Struggle as a Creative in The Entertainment Business Any Longer !

If you are in the entertainment business and tired of struggling to "make it happen", then this book is for you!

52 Spiritual Principles to help you release the unlimited Power within you! 

This book contains 52 Spiritual Laws and Principles that will allow you to access the unlimited Power and Presence that exists within you! 

"I call it THE GENIE WITHIN and when you connect with it, there is no limit to what you can create in your life!

Imagine that your life were a movie created by an Infinite Filmmaker, and like a Genie in a bottle, this filmmaker could grant you unlimited wishes

Now imagine that this is not your imagination but your reality... What would your life look like?

This book contains 52 spiritual Laws and Principles that will allow you to connect with the unlimited Power and Presence within you to create the life you desire to be living.

This book contains 52 spiritual Laws and Principles that will allow you to connect with what I refer to as God, The Infinite Filmmaker, creating the movie of your life.

This book contains 52 spiritual Laws and Principles that will allow you to connect with what I refer to as God, The Infinite Filmmaker, creating the movie of your life.

This eBook contains 52 Spiritual Laws and Principles that will allow you to tap into the unlimited Power and Presence within you!

NEW NEWS ABOUT NEW THOUGHT TUESDAYS:  Beginning the 1st week of July, access to THE INNER CIRCLE will transition to a membership-based model, requiring an interview process and a monthly membership fee.

Those who participate in THE INNER CIRCLE for the rest of June will receive complimentary access to THE INNER CIRCLE going forward pending approval by the group… it's our gift to you. 

To secure your spot and become a member of the Inner Circle you must schedule an interview and attend a session to be voted into the group!

These 5 Spiritual Principles were designed to help you release the The Genie within, so that you can live the life you've always dreamed of!

Practicing the principles in this book will allow you to connect with the creator of your life's movie and use It to pursue your career in the entertainment business... with all the struggle.

The information in this book will remove any fear, doubt and worry that is keeping you from launching a successful career in the entertainment business.

If you think you've tried everything possible to make it in the entertainment business and still have no success, I am inviting you to stop looking outside yourself for the answers and start to look within. That is where you are going to discover the secret to your success... Within You!

If you are tired of struggling to make it in the entertainment business and are looking for an easier way to become a successful filmmaker, then this book will show you the way!

Use the Calendar below to schedule an interview with Rich Smith.


– Rich Smith